SO this is the time of year when I start to transition to the quieter, down time of my year. I will be doing three markets through Mother's day; including the two Punta Gorda weekend markets and the Thursday market on Dearborn St. After Mother's Day, I transition to just the weekends for the rest of May, then I will decide if I am going to do both, or just one for the summer months. I am also going to take August off. So, I am getting everything ready to start all my new projects in my work room! I can't wait to get to it! I am excited to be able to spend more time in there, being creative and productive!

Speaking of transitions, you've probably noticed some more changes to the newsletter; I spoke about that in the last one. There are some changes in the works! Starting with this- instead of THE STONE OF THE MONTH – for now, I will feature a CRYSTAL OF THE MONTH. I talked about how much information there is about clear quartz, and how many forms it comes in last month. The crystal of the month will be a certain formation I will describe for you. I may or may not have them available on my website, if not you can always email me to ask if I have any at all. I am also going to try to post more information on Facebook, some will overlap, and some will be new. So be sure to like my facebook page, so you don't miss my posts, you can get there directly from the bottom of my website homepage, just scroll down to the button.


1607-18 chakra wand pendantA chakra earrings

This month we are talking about your chakra system, as a whole, later months will have us breaking them down one at a time. Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel". They are the energy centers of the body, or points of energy running along your spine. The Ancients believed there to be seven main chakras; each a different color of the rainbow. If visible, they would be spinning in a clockwise motion. If you have ever seen a picture of the chakra placements, they actually match major nerve or endocrine centers in the body. Your chakras can become easily blocked, and you would experience this energy blockage as pain or discomfort, maybe a feeling of sickness, or being out of balance. A very simple way to clear your chakras is pure visualization. Visualize cleansing light pouring into them. When all your chakras are spinning, and open, and balanced, and aligned; then your chakra system, and your physical and emotional body is balanced and healthy. The more open, balanced,  and clear your chakras, the more energy can flow through your entire system. Energy is everything; vitality, health, and growth- both physical and mental, as well as emotional.

chakra healingcrystal healing chakraschakra crystalsThat's enough info. for now, I hope you will enjoy this "transitional" journey with me, it should be fun and informative! I also invite you to email me if you have any questions about your chakras, or any interesting stories!

[email protected]