June represents a lot of things; but probably the most important being Father’s Day. I have always had a different “take” on Father’s Day than most, because growing up was a little different for me than the other kids I knew. See, as far back as I can remember; I have always had two fathers, I really don’t know what it’s like to have just one. We just called one Dad, and one Father.

Father 001Dad and me 001This Father’s Day is the very first one that I have no Father to visit; it’s strange when huge parts of your life become voids. On the plus side, it got me thinking just how much they have meant to me and my business over the years; you really don’t realize how much of a mark people leave.Both my fathers had a big impact on my business, in different ways.

Both of them were artists in their own way, and that effects you growing up; your “hobbies” or “passions” are encouraged. My Dad  was a painter, he built me my first workshop,and taught me how to tumble polish rocks. How to have patience, and that if I worked hard at it, I would get better and better. My Father taught me to look at things differently. He was a taxidermist, something he did his whole life, so, while I was accustomed to it, it was still a little creepy as a kid. It took me a while to realize this was his artistic way of “preserving” the beauty of nature. So he played a large part in my “quest” for masculine jewelry, it was his idea to wire wrap black bear teeth and claws- from there I took it and ran with it!

Then there are the day to day things that are family specific. My Father was always the first person at an event, boy am I his daughter! I am almost always the first person at a show, sometimes even getting there before the promoter! He also always had to leave, claiming to have to meet that customer; I hate to admit, that I have used that excuse on more than one occasion myself! How many times have you caught yourself repeating the same lines you grew up listening to your Dad say? I do this a lot! In my booth is a sign that reads “I BUST STONES FOR A LIVING” and every time some one asks “so you bust stones for a living?” I reply “it’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it!” And there’s my Dad! “Dad you gonna finish that whole cake?”  – “it’s a dirty job Ter, but someone’s gotta do it!”

Although I had two dads, each relationship was unique and special in it’s own right. So, instead of trudging to the mall and purchasing that obligatory Father’s Day tie, or package of golf balls – I invite you to think outside the box this time; think about YOUR dad, how he is different from every other dad, and get him something that has meaning to him; if he is one of a kind, shouldn’t his gift be ? Just a thought.